Our loving God, as we begin our work,
We bring Your presence with us.
We speak Your compassion, Your grace, Your mercy,
and we ask you to share Your gift of peace.
We acknowledge Your power over all that will be spoken,
thought, decided, and done throughout this day.
Anoint our projects, ideas, and struggles,
so that even our smallest accomplishment may bring You glory.
Lord, when we are confused, guide us.
When we are discouraged and losing hope, energize us.
When we are burned out, infuse us with the light of the Holy Spirit.
May the work that we do and the way we do it bring faith, joy,
and a smile to all that we come in contact with today.
Bless our family, our home, our nation.
May truly care for the earth and the community of life
as we try to promote your dream for justice and liberation.
In the Name of Jesus we pray,
with much love and Thanksgiving.....
Thank you for this prayer. God bless
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